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Urban Canopy provide maps, reports, and community engagement tools designed with behavioral science

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Find your property's heat island score and how it compares to your neighbors 

Each land parcel is assigned a "heat score" as a number out of 10 based on the average thermal reading of the property area. You can compare one property's heat score against another and rank all the properties in a district.

 High definition thermal photography of urban summer heat by aircraft 

 Urban Canopy helps you see the "hot spots" that are contributing to urban heat by taking high resolution thermal images at the peak of summer by aircraft.

We put these images on our publicly available web-based app so home owners, city planners, architects, schools, businesses, and sustainability managers can look up a property and see what structures to target for urban greening or cooling projects. 

Air temperature, albedo & energy consumption  

More environmental data can be added to the Urban Canopy map to get detailed granular insight into areas and  land parcels to target for improvement.

Problems with summer peak electricity 

The load on the electricity grid in many cities doubles during summer because of increased use of air conditioning. The peak electricity is usually made up from more polluting forms of gas power stations known as "peaker plants." Urban Canopy's mission is to reduce the peak demand on the grid during summer.

Gamification of change  

We can learn from game designers about how to motivated people. We can use the property heat score and community green actions in leaderboards, feedback loops. star ratings, social comparisons,  color grades, rewards, and levels of achievement  to tap into the human motivational core to drive action.

Urban Canopy

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Urban Canopy
is created by Hello World Labs
in Mountain View, California.



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